Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Klein: Backstabbing in Cleveland

If you were to take a look at the Browns depth chart right now you would see QBs Derek Anderson and Brady Quinn both listed as the #1 quarterback. Quinn took care of that yesterday.

ESPN reported on Sunday from the Browns' training camp that during a team scrimmage, where Anderson and Quinn were quarterbacking different teams, some sabotaging took place. Anderson's helmet radio spazzed out and that forced him to go old-school by using hand signals to call plays. Obviously Quinn knew the play signals. You know where I'm going with this...

It was claimed by Anderson that Quinn sent the signals to the defense, which obviously led to Anderson looking like a fool. Good team-work Browns!

Never in my life have I seen a quarterback battle get to this point. What kind of player actually does that? Is Quinn scared of his abilities? Yes. Is Anderson obviously playing better in practice? Yes. Did Quinn actually think no one would find out about this? Yes. What an idiot!

I wonder how he did on his tests at Notre Dame. Hmm.


  1. Please note that Anderson was laughing when he made this comment and the reporters laughed with him. Time to get off your Mangini hangup and pay attention to your own pathetic team--the Jets. The far more interesting Jets-Browns debate centers around whether the Browns were smart in passing up on Sanchez in the draft. We'll all get to see the results of that draft-day trade during the next couple of seasons.

  2. agreed anonymous
    klein is pathetic about the JETS and they suck
    stop writing everything about a terrible football team

  3. it's the J-E-T-S and once in a while they are decent.

  4. It was a joke. Everyone was having fun with this situation. You're making it out to be something more than what it was. This is bad reporting at it's finest. SO SO SAD.

  5. brady quinn is cool
