Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Klein: A Favre Jersey That Isn't Green

Just when they thought they were ahead of the game, they fell short. Shopping malls in Shanghai, China are full of knock-off items sold in America that most of us pay hundreds of dollars for. From pearls, to designer hand bags, to Brett Favre Vikings jerseys. Wait...what? That's right you heard it. The Minnesota Post reports that at The Nanjing Road fake mall in Shanghai have made thousands of #4 Favre jerseys made in dark purple. Well, the only problem is that Favre didn't even sign with the Vikings and also we don't even know if they are fake or not. I guess someone spoke too soon, but maybe not? The report is that someone selling the jerseys at a stall in the mall said that there was another shipment coming in with AUTHENTIC jerseys to be sold for $16 while in America they go for $260! What a bargain. Anyways, back to my point. Does the NFL know something about this Favre situation that us, the fans, don't? The woman at the stall reportedly insisted that they were REAL jerseys that were being shipped from the Reebok factories in China. Then again, it could very well be a precautionary action just in case Favre was/is to sign with the Vikings any time soon. I guess we will have to find out. Either way it is a pretty funny jersey to own, that's for sure!

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