Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Klein: 30 Minutes With An MVP

As my days dwindle down as a summer intern in New York City I was given a great opportunity, to sit in on a Steve Nash Q & A sesh.

Recently re-signed 2-time MVP Steve Nash came into my office in midtown Manhattan this morning to talk about a new sports social networking website he has joined and to answer questions concerning his career. This guy is the absolute man. He is probably the most humble athlete I have ever come across in my life and cares more about changing the world that anything he does on the court. Nash and Co. spoke about MakeItPro.com, which is a new website that is basically like a hub for social networking in the sports world. It is a way to connect athletes and youngsters to make the world better with philanthropy, hard work off the court, and all that good 'ol stuff.

More importantly this Nash guy plays basketball too soooo yea. He spoke about his new 2 yr/$22 million contract that he signed with Pheonix yesterday. "...To leave them (Suns) and chase something that was insecure (Knicks)," said Nash when being asked about possibly returning for his contract year and becoming a free-agent in the star-powered 2010 class. Nash returns to a Suns team that looks barely stronger than it did last year. The addition of Earl Clark gives a lot of athleticism to their front court to go with Amare so that should be helpful. Expect the Suns to compete in a strong Western Conference next season.

When asked who he thought the best player in the league was he responded with, "Lebron is the best all around, but Kobe is the best closer. At the end of the game you want to have Kobe in." I think Nash is just upset that Lebron stole his old, un-athletic center-NOT!

On the topic of Shaq, Nash had some funny stuff to say about him and his move to Cleveland. He was asked if Shaq makes Cleveland any better and he quickly exclaimed, "It makes it funnier!" Steve, I couldn't agree anymore.


  1. Ben Wallace won't be on the team
    do your research

  2. That's interesting that Nash thinks Kobe is the better closer. I'd argue that's at least in part due to the better supporting cast Kobe has had.

  3. it probably doesn't hurt Kobe's chances in Nash's eyes because he has experienced Kobe's antics first hand in the playoffs... I bet if you asked Rashard Lewis (guarded LeBron on "The Shot") or someone on the Pistons you might get a different response

  4. #1 Anonymous
    When you "compete" in the NBA it means you are one of the top 8 teams in your conference...which the suns are.

  5. I would argue that the Suns would be a very competitive team in the East, but may or may not be one according to Wills' definition in the West. They finished 9th last year, and essentially swapping an all-star center in Shaq for Channing Frye doesn't seem to be a promising move at least for the present (the future could tell a different story). However, the way the finished 9th bears some mentioning. They were in the running for the playoffs until Stoudemire went down with his weird eye injury, and then they fell back considerably as Dallas got hot and even passed Utah and New Orleans.
    Phoenix will be slugging it out for the 8th seed with teams like the Clippers (I know, Crazy right) , Hornets, Rockets, and maybe even Warriors. The Rockets are a question mark depending on what McGrady has left in the tank, and what potential Ariza actually has. I would expect to see the Suns anywhere in the 6-9 range in the Western rankings, which is certainly competitive, but they still are not the Suns of a few years ago.
