Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Cramer: Knicks Laughable Plans for the Offseason

There have been plenty of talks about free agent signings for the Knicks this year. Lee, Robinson, Sessions, blah blah blah. The clear decision that the Knicks have is to make this trade. According to the trade machine, it works... so it must be possible right? If they can pull it off they would win 79 more games this season, making them an "astonishing 111 and minus-27" next year. Chris Bosh wouldn't be laughing about signing with them after that kind of season.

What would it take to go 111 - -27? How do you get a negative loss? Point differential? Some threshold number passed for groupies in the stands? I'm not really sure but apparently ESPN's brilliant trade machine technology has decided that it is a possibility, and ESPN is king so...

BTW: I got this trade from Bill Simmons' newest article on ESPN

Comment about how to get a negative loss I'm interested to hear your opinions.


  1. Which trade? the link doesn't work, it just goes to the trade machine site.

  2. it should load, it does for a lot of other people... e-mail me if you want the exact trade
