Thursday, July 30, 2009

Klein: 2004 Red Sox=Fraud

I bet they hid their needles in those bottles

The two cover boys of the 2004 World Series Champion Red Sox, Manny Ramirez and David Ortiz, were on the juice. The Times has reported that these two sluggers tested positive for performance enhancing drugs back in '03, the year prior to their World Series run. This explains the decline of Ortiz the past three seasons (batting under .300 and no more than 25 home runs) compared to his usual 40 home runs and solid batting average. I guess Manny and Papi couldn't take the 1918 chants anymore so they turned to shooting needles in each others rear ends. Smart move boys.


  1. damn dude, i dont like the bosox but wow, thats a harsh report

  2. fellas and Klien they won fair and square they are two players come on dont discredit the entire team

    Your better than that

  3. I disagree entirely (this is Cramer) with you #2 anonymous. They were the face of that team, and up until Manny got traded, were the face (collectively) of the 2 championships that the Sox won to rejuvenate the entire fan base, and franchise. Not that they had to rejuvenated in terms of getting fans to games... but they completely changed the perspective of Red Sox fans (and Yankees' fans) forever... seriously, forever.

    No More 1918 chants was the reason why I rarely go to Yankees games anymore, and without Ortiz and Ramirez, I would still be chanting 1918 every game

  4. I agree with Zeus on this - Ortiz and Ramirez were the face of that (finally) winning Red Sox team. Yankees fans everywhere are a little little bit happy about this story. Of course, had the Yankees won that year? You could photo shop Clemens and A-Rod into the photo above.

    I think you are going to hear 1918 cheers at Yankee Stadium again ....
