Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Cramer: Starbury Streaming Video

Check it out. It can also be seen on

Watch live video from starburytv on

Also, Check out J.A. Adande's article about Starbury... I don't care what anyone thinks, this is priceless and should get Stephon good press rather than bad press. He's not hurting anyone, and to quote him, he's just "doing me".

Edit: After watching this almost all day (yes, all day) I am truly disturbed by this man. He is a complete loser and should be working on his basketball game, or beginning a new career outside of his house. He spent 20 minutes arguing with the chat room that he is better than Nash... haha, I'm not even going to justify that ridiculous statement with a response. He also says he is smarter than me, and all of the other people watching him... I doubt it... as a matter of fact I would love for him to challenge America to some test of intelligence and prove that. StarburyMarbury, you are a loser. The chatroom doesn't even allow people to say "ESPN" because he is probably hurt by J.A. Adande's article, and all of the negative press he is getting. I apologize to my readers for backing Marbury up earlier.

1 comment:

  1. I think this is deeply disturbing. How could this possibly be "good press"?
