Saturday, August 8, 2009

Klein: Risky Bet?

Last night after work I met my dad for sushi in the city. We sat down I began to tell him about my day at the office, what I did, who I met, etc.. I had the privilege to meet Hall of Fame QB Warren Moon and I got to ask him a few questions for the magazine. Moon started talking about the Favre saga and whether he thought he was actually done or not, weird. He went on to tell me and my co-workers that Favre would come back this season regardless of what he is telling the media now. Well, he convinced me.

So, we're ordering our tuna-avacado and shrimp tempura rolls and the Favre comes up in conversation. I told my dad that I thought that he would be in an NFL uniform at some point this season. Apparently I pushed the wrong button with my pops and he begged to differ. He started telling me that there was absolutely no way in any world that Brett Favre will pick up a football again. That is where he was wrong my friends, so a wager was put in place.

We started off with a solid $20 bet but then when I remembered Warren Moon's statements that day, I made the decision to give him 2-to-1 odds. Could this have been stupid of me? I don't think so.

Do you really think that he is going to be able to sit in his house on a Sunday and watch football on TV. He hasn't not spent a Sunday morning in an NFL locker room in 18 years, don't expect that to change this year. The guy can't hang up the cleats if he is healthy because it isn't in his nature. If a team will take him, he is going to play. Just wait until a team loses their quarterback for the year and they make their first call to Favre's home in Mississippi.

I wanted to get a feeling of what you guys think of this bet.

Who's the idiot? Me or my dad?

Shoot away...

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