Friday, August 7, 2009

Klein: Crabtree the new Tidwell

What on earth is going on with Niners WR Michael Crabtree?! The #10 pick in this years NFL draft cannot seem to come to terms with the front office in San Fran, but why? It all boils down to his adviser, David Wells (not the fat one who pitched a perfect game for the Bronx Bombers). Crabtree and his adviser are asking for $23 million guaranteed, which is way too much for a player who has never caught a ball. Is he nuts?! Well, the funny thing is that his "adviser" is nuts. Check out the track record of Mr. Wells (Deadspin):

•Arrested for stealing boxing gloves from the Dallas Police Athletic League.

•Banned for life by USA Boxing over allegations of misuse of funds.

•Served as the omnipresent bodyguard shoving reporters out of the way for Michael Irvin after his arrest for possession.

•Indicted for serving as a private investigator with a license that had lapsed four years earlier, but exonerated after a dubious receipt appeared showing he had renewed it.

•Let off the hook for $50,000 when one of his clients skipped town, after a dubious document appeared showing he had warned the county.

•Started a security company with a court bailiff, which is illegal due to conflict-of-interest rules.

There is also a chance that he could have started a rumor that Crabtree would re-enter the draft in 2010. What on earth is this guy thinking?

So Mike, is this really the guy you want to listen to when dealing with millions of dollars? Get your act straight because a hold out could be VERY dangerous.

Crabtree is starting to sound like Rod Tidwell. Please, do not show him the money.

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