Monday, July 27, 2009

Klein: New York DA Seeks 2-Year Sentence for Plax

The Manhattan DA has stated that he wants free agent WR Plaxico Burress to serve time in prison. The New York Post has reported that Plax, who shot himself in the leg with an unlicensed gun, is willing to agree to spend a year in jail (The last time I checked, you don't get an option when you are sentenced to jail time). Regardless, the prosecutors are insisting on two years in the clink for this Pro Bowl wideout.

Burress shot himself the morning of November, 29th and was charged with criminal possession of a weapon. He pleaded not guilty and was freed on $100,000 bail after the arrest.

This is good. The punishments are starting to come along...finally! First we had Vick and now we are going to have Plax. I would not be surprised if fairly soon we see WR Brandon Marshall facing a harsh suspension or possible jail time. Let's take a look at what Roger Goodell has done during his time as commish of the NFL in regards to harsh suspensions.

1) Adam "Pacman" Jones
Suspended for the entire 2007 season

2) Chris Henry
Suspended for the first 8 games in 2007

3) Tank Johnson
Supended for the first 10 games in 2007

4) Michael Vick
Indefinite suspension

5) Adam "Pacman" Jones...again

6) Donte Stallworth

All of these suspensions say a lot about the mentality that was put in place during the Paul Tagliabue era. I'm quite glad it was made into the so called "No.Fun.League" because that is what professionalism is all about. There shouldn't be touchdown dances, there shouldn't be any props, and there should not be any antics off the field. The suspensions that have taken place in the past few years have all been extremely fair decisions in my eyes and it has only made the league stronger by weeding out the players that are negative influences on our society. I think Plax should be in jail for two years just as Vick was but he will probably end up only spending 1. Let's not forget Brandon Marshall. This is a man who has been arrested 3 times and has been given 3 citations and he has NEVER been sentenced to any jail time. A player like Marshall who is arrested for domestic violence, disorderly conduct, and misdemeanor battery charges should not be representing the NFL. Goodell should be able to take care of these two troublemakers to give the league a better name.


Plaxico Burress: 1 year of jail time and indefinite suspension from the league.

Brandon Marshall: 30 days of jail time and 8 game suspension from the league.
*Court date is set for August 13th*

What do you think will happen with the two troubled WRs? Tell us in our comment section.


  1. 2 years seems kind of harsh. I'm going to guess that he wasn't all that cooperative at first and he's paying the price now.

  2. What about Antonio Pierce?

  3. The New York Post reported today that Pierce could still face a jail term of his own for the possession of the gun Plax used when he shot himself in the leg. I wouldn't expect his sentence to be anywhere close to Plax's but I would not be shocked to see him get a month or two in jail. Also, there could be a possible 2 game suspension. That could really put a damper on the Giants' strong defense.
