Friday, July 31, 2009

Cramer: Steroids in Baseball

Disclaimer: don't comment telling me I'm an idiot and wrong because this isn't a 100% serious article.

First of all, completely ignore what Paul Konerko has to say because chances are he's on steroids too (see stat jump in 2004). Ozzie Guillen on the other hand says it perfectly... "it's getting old."

As a casual fan of baseball, I have to admit that when the steroid rumors first started surfacing, I was a little angry. How could these people that I grew up worshiping (Sosa, McGwire, etc...) have cheated their way to the top. But now... come on. Not only is it time for the "anonymous" list to come out, but it's time to make a list of all the players who didn't take steroids.

I'd be much more interested to see what idiots out there didn't follow the crowd in order to stay employed. I'm not talking about the Derek Jeters of the world, but the journeymen outfielders who never stick on one team because they just can't produce consistently. The league is unfair for these people, and they make games less enjoyable to watch. Sad right? Don't you get pissed off when you're watching the Yankees - or some other prolific offense - roll through an inning with hit after hit, and then that one sh*tty player (who clearly didn't take steroids) comes up. Yeah me too.

Solution? Make a new rule regarding steroids. Rather than criminalizing the use of PEDs in the MLB, I think it would make more sense to make the use of steroids a prerequisite for joining a major league ball club. Imagine what Jeter could have accomplished if he had taken 'roids. Almost all of the championships that have been won since this "steroid era" began have been due in large part to these drugs. If our beloved athletes are willing to put their lives at risk in order to entertain, win, and produce monster stats... so be it.

I'm not here to complain about watching David Ortiz hit bombs, or A-Rod breaking Bonds' record (or Bonds breaking Aaron's record). Instead, I am here to say that in a time where it seems impossible to stop people from cheating to get ahead, we should make the act not considered cheating, but mandatory. To quote the old mantra, "if you're not cheating, you're not trying".


  1. very well written cramer
    good point even though its obviously not going to happen it's still interesting to entertain this thought

  2. Obviously the idea is crazy but your point is well made.

  3. i agree baseball is stupid
